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steampunk your penguin
Saturday 4 June, time to be confirmed 
Scottish Hall, Tyne St

Our Festival penguin mascots Wansbeck and Wanbrow are looking for a new batch of recruits to join their ranks.


Come and dress a Steampunk penguin so they can graduate as a fully operational Festival agents.

(a 25cm soft toy penguin you get to keep - is included in the price.)

Lots of leather and fabric, and brass bits and bobs will be available for you to Steampunk your penguin, and help is at hand with gluing, fixing and cutting.


We would love all the new penguin recruits to be on display in the Transportation Station until Sunday afternoon, and then you can take your's home with you after that. 


Limited penguins available, and bookings are essential.


​Tickets $20 per person - includes penguin

- online ticket sales open 3 April 2023 at 10pm!

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